Monday, November 17, 2008


Gayatri is mother of vedas.............. Mahanarayanopanishat|

Gayatri purifies dwija, offers longevity,strength,wealth and fame to the upasaka ........................................Atharvaveda|

just as nectar is the essence of flowers,butter is the essence of milk,water is essence of all rasas, so is gayatri the essence of vedas.......................................Vyas|

10000 gayatri japa completely cleanses the body ..............................................................Atri Samhita|

Gayatri japa upasana leads  to surya loka and then to Moksha..................................................PadmaPurana|

The meaning of gayatri is Bramhasutra, its nirnaya is Mahabharath,its essence is vedas............................................matsya purana|

Gayatri japa obsolves of all sins .......................Bhavishya Purana|

yudhisthir ,gayatri japa gives relief from all pain...Mahabharath|
